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Martinez Junior High School is a comprehensive middle school with an enrollment of approximately 900 students in grades six through eight. MJHS was built in the early 1930’s and renovated in the late 1990’s with funding from the community in the form of a bond measure. The campus includes 40 classrooms, an extensive library, two gymnasiums, two computer labs, a READ 180/System 44 Lab, a fully equipped fitness lab, and a dance mirror room. Each classroom is equipped with SMART Board Technology, student computers, television, document cameras and a DVD/VCR to enhance student engagement and learning. Martinez Jr. High has integrated mobile devices 1-1 for all students in the form of Chromebooks to support the district goals of integration of technology and the transition to the Common Core State Standards.

All students are required to take a minimum of six classes each day. The course work for all students in grades 6 - 8 includes a period of English Language Arts, mathematics, science, history, physical education and an elective. Students who score below basic in either English Language Arts or mathematics are scheduled into a support class in lieu of an elective, which supports their daily curriculum in either of those two areas. Students scoring Far Below Basic and/or Below Basic in Reading and Comprehension are scheduled into a double period of READ 180 or System 44, which are intensive reading intervention programs. 

MJHS boasts a variety of elective programs which include beginning and advanced courses in Instrumental Music, Art, Drama, Computer Technology, Physical Education, Languages and Video Broadcasting. Interscholastic sports are available each season for students interested in playing basketball, volleyball, softball, track, wrestling, cross country, and golf.